01/29/25 Junodori opens R(h)einJazz concert series in Wesseling, article by Anita Brandtstäter
04/30/22 Junodori @ “Musik am Strom” 1. music show in Wesseling, article by Anita Brandtstäter

04/28/22 Junodori duo Ukraine benefit concert @white house Wesseling, article by Anita Brandtstäter

11/18/21 Junodori duo @ Mine’s Spatzentreff, article by Anita Brandtstäter

08/31/20 Junodori Combo at Bessunger Knabenschule, article by Bettina Bergstedt Darmstädter Echo

08/22/20 Junodori Trio feat guitarist T. Jahnke bei Mine’s Spatzentreff, article by Anita Brandtstäter

11/22/19 Wohnzimmerkonzert in Wesseling bei Mine’s Spatzentreff
Foto: Anita Brandtstäter
Junodori_in Wesseling_beiMinesSpatzentreff
08/23/19 Nixxlos Konzertreihe, Borken
Foto: Claudia Peppenhorst
07/01/19 Lounge music at dîner en blanc, article “Ganz in Weiß im Grünen Winkel” by Helga Wissing, “Der Patriot”, Lippstadt

06/23/19 Junodori duo at Juno Market, Bramsche, article by Holger Schulze, NOZ

05/20/19 concert at main station Ebstorf, article by Volker Küster, “Das alte Amt”, Region Ebstorf

03/11/19 CD release concert on Saturday, 9th of March at Nürtingen Jazztagen, article by Daniel Jüpter, “Jazz zum Dahinschwelgen” NTZ, Nürtingen

03/04/19 For CD-Release 03/08/19 “I won’t wait” review by Björn Othlinghaus, Worteffekte
Ungewöhnliche Debüt-EP der Singer-Songwriterin Junodori
Ense-press 12/2018 Announcement concert series “SCHÖNE TÖNE LIVE” for Junodori jubilee concert at Wickede 03/15/19

20.10.18 Junodori solo at “Casinogesellschaft” in Wiesbaden

01.06.18 Junodori duo at “Wacholderbeere Gin&Wine” in Groß-Gerau

28.10.17 Junodori duo at “Schöne Töne live” at KaDeWi in Wickede

Here you can read a full press review published in Wickede Ruhr (10/28/17)
article of Wickede-Ruhr of 28 october 2017 …
Here you can read a full press review published in Wickede Ruhr (10/29/17)
article of Soester Anzeiger 29 october 2017 …
28.07.17 Junodori solo at Kult_Park, Lüdenscheid

17.06.17 & 18.06.17 Junodori at KulTour-Messe Ebstorf
audience chose Junodori on Sunday, 18.06.17 for best artist

02.06.17 Junodori duo at Folk Club Nr. 81 in Bonn

21.05.17 Akustik-Picknick youth center “Krebelshof” in Köln-Worringen

No joke! On April, 1st we took part of the project “Haltestelle Musik” and played an hour at Essen main station. Our smallest and biggest Fans were with us:

Above you can read a full press review published in the WAZ (04/02/17)
article WAZ of 2 April 2017 …